Haiti has been in the news almost daily lately. I heard a tele-evangelist say it was God punishing them for worshiping Satan. What?! That's so crazy when people make claims like that. Yes, Haiti battles voodoo, but anyone who has been there can tell you the faith that the Christians have. Reading the news reports is just heart breaking. Cholera is running rampant throughout Haiti all because they don't have clean drinking water or access to rehydration salts. How often do we take for granted that we can walk into the kitchen, turn on the faucet, and have as much clean water as we want. NWHCM established a cholera clinic and its one of the only one's in the region. They have seen hundreds and hundreds of patients. The first few days were rough and nine people died. God provided; however, their battle isn't over yet. Reports are saying the worst is yet to come. Sometimes you wonder, how many more deaths until enough is enough. The mission is in need of the funds and supplies to keep treating Haitians and to keep fighting.
Nwhcm.org tells more about how the mission is helping the epidemic and how to help!
Nwhcm.org tells more about how the mission is helping the epidemic and how to help!
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