Finally, the countdown is in the single digits. Nine days until I'm off to Haiti. I'm so excited to get there already. I'm ready to be in the place that I love and with people whom I adore, love, and respect. I can't wait to see friends and continue to form relationships. I'm excited to see where God leads me and the rest of the interns this summer. I know he will place so many opportunities in our paths to serve him and love his people. As we finish preparing to leave, will you join us in praying:
-for safe and uneventful travels to Florida and then to Haiti
-that our hearts are open to what God's got in store
- that we as a team would mesh and work together for the same goal
- that we would all stay healthy throughout the summer
- that we would take advantage of the opportunities
-for safe and uneventful travels to Florida and then to Haiti
-that our hearts are open to what God's got in store
- that we as a team would mesh and work together for the same goal
- that we would all stay healthy throughout the summer
- that we would take advantage of the opportunities
I'm so excited for you, Caitlin! I know how excited you must be! I look forward to reading your deep, insightful blog posts. (No pressure intended by that statement - your posts always get me thinking.) Pass on some hugs to those kids for me!