Something Bigger Than Ourselves
Our group traveled back to La Forge today. The truck was supposed to drop us off near the church; however, it decided not to cross the river so we had to walk a few miles. The team was troopers having to tote several heavy bags for a few miles each way. We held VBS again today, but for some reason, there were less kids. I helped out with the song group. It was so much fun. The kids were singing so loudly and dancing everywhere. It was really something they enjoyed and put their hearts into it. The hike to and from, we got to hang out with the bracelet bandits. If you followed a few weeks ago, we've been praying for a boy named Fritzson. Despite our frustrations, we've had to really trust that God's going to handle things in His time. As much as we want that sweet boy to have a home, food to eat, and an education, God's got a better plan. We found out today that the orphanage isn't a possible option. Magdala told us she would ask her husband if they could take him in. They have the biggest hearts and always find a place for kids to fit if a program doesn't suit them. It's so encouraging to see Haitians taking care of each other. One of the staff members told us of another possibility this afternoon. If you could just join us in praying that God would really reveal what He desires of us and how to handle this situation, it would be so appreciated. Fritzson has never asked me or Hannah for food, for a house, or for anything. He is seriously such a sweet teenage boy.
This afternoon, I asked the group if they wanted to visit the brothel. Call me strange, but I really love visiting there and the jail. In those women, I see a longing for beauty, a longing for hope, for something bigger than ourselves. The group agreed and even prepared a devotion. We got there and shared with them. The translator looked at us and said that was the best passage we could have shared with them. I shared with the women that we desire for them to see their beauty and worth in Christ. We are praying that Christ would provide employment opportunities for them to leave and never look back. They don't enjoy their jobs. They aren't proud of it. In a country where jobs are hard to come by and women have to provide for their families, any source of income goes a long way. I've developed a relationship with some of the women and they have become dear friends of mine. I adore them and I so want to share the burden with them, to spread a hope of the gift of sharing their burdens with the one who can bear it all. Hannah took her team there after mine left. She asked them if they liked the study we did and they said yes. We are hoping that we can continue to have some devotion with them as often as possible.
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