New ministry opportunity

The past week, the Lord has been working in such incredible ways. I've been praying that God would open opportunities for me to be more intentional with the girls in the orphanage. Two days ago, a door opened and it was definitely an unseen one.

I believe that the God who gives visions is the same God who makes the provisions. 

With that being said, I'm starting a new ministry. I will be teaching the older girls how to make journals. These journals will be sold at the market here and on a website. The money will go into savings accounts for the girls. Once they turn 18, they have to transition from the orphanage. This money will help them pursue their dreams of furthering their education or starting a business. I can't wait to see what The Lord does through this. 

I don't have a verse to base it from yet, but I keep coming back to "a hope and a future" from Jeremiah 29:11. While they are making the journals, we will be doing a Bible study and learning what God calls us to as women.

I would love for you to join me in this new opportunity. In order to get it fully started, I need fabric. If you might be interested in donating some or providing funds to buy fabric, let me know.


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