My heart's struggled with my desires versus being obedient to God. I like to have a plan, a general idea of how things will go. But that's not how God works. He only gives us a small piece of the puzzle. I'm guilty of always waiting for God to give me the full picture. In "Draw the Circle", it says don't wait for more revelation, be obedient in the amount of revelation he has given you. I get so preoccupied with not doing the wrong thing that it keeps me from doing the right thing.
I know that the right thing is Haiti, right now. Over the past year I've learned that my faith needs to be Go.Set.Ready not ready, set, go. If I'm waiting to be ready, I'll never actually get there; I'll always find excuses.
Over the past two months, God's made it clear that I'm supposed to be in Haiti for longer than planned. God's opened the door to continue pursuing incredible opportunities. I've realized that God's calling me to invest eternally in lives here. He's taken brothel girls and helped foster relationships so now they are dear friends. He's opened the door so we can create better transition for our orphans as they grow into adults. He's allowed me to do life alongside Haitian women who've taught me so much about faith. He's allowed me the opportunity to help American teams get plugged into ministries and build kingdom relationships here.
I have extended my time in Haiti until the end of the year. That also means that I have to raise that support to live and serve here longer. I would love your prayers as I continue this journey. If you are interested in learning more about ministry at NWHCM or how to support me, I would love to talk to you about it.
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