This is who You are

The past few weeks have been challenging. God’s been using situations happening here to teach me who he is. I’ve had so much running through my head but I still don’t have adequate words to explain.  In every situation, I’ve found myself singing “Who You Are”. It seems that God’s placed it on my heart to help me find the words to say to him.

A few weeks ago, a dear friend had a terrible accident. He fell from a roof and should have sustained serious injuries. But he didn’t. As we sat and talked about his accident, he told me now he understands. He never truly saw who God was, despite the incredible faith his family had in Christ. God used that fall to help him see how powerful and capable God is.
                        Full of grace, Full of Love, You are faithful

As we approached the women’s cell in the prison, we noticed a face all too familiar. We realized it was one of the women from church. An unfortunate situation led her to a terrifying place. She was scared for her kids, for her future. This Sunday, we saw her in church.
                        You lead the captive in your freedom song. This is who you are.

Last week, our friends experienced things that were heartbreaking. Their desperation led them to sell their bodies, subjecting themselves to unimagined ridicule and abuse. Several of the women showed up at the mission, bruised and beaten. They were exhausted from trying to keep fighting.
            And in the night when all our hope is lost. You are the one who won’t give up on us

Three days ago, our mission family suffered a loss. An incredible woman fell ill and no answers could be found. Within 24 hours, she was in a coma. I got to see the gospel lived out. As we walked to visit her in the hospital, we noticed a large crowd of our coworkers outside praying. Despite every effort, God had other plans for her life. We will never know why but we do know that she has been fully healed and in the arms of her savior. This sweet woman was a mother, who fought hard for her kids. She didn’t have everything, but she loved them to her best. Now, we have five children who no longer have their mother, who are orphaned. While I don’t understand God’s reason, I do know You hold the orphan in your loving arms, this is who you are.

The Lord’s been constantly reminding in every situation who he is. At times I don’t understand, but I don’t need to fully understand. I have to trust in who Christ is. So thankful that he hears the cry of every broken heart and gives the hopeless soul a brand new start.

Despite the situations and circumstances surrounding us, there is none more worthy.


  1. Caitlin,
    I wrote down the following statement from a sermon last fall and came across it the other day. I thought of you. "Compassion is seeing a need and giving them what they need most - you." You open your arms and heart daily - during the good times and hard times. I'm praying for you, the staff, family and friends.
    Love you,


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