Group Arrives!
180 people were supposed to arrive at the mission today; however, that never goes as planned. Some people missed their flights to Port au Prince so we had to charter them a flight through Turks and Caicos into Cap Haiten instead. Those who did arrive had a lot of bus troubles. One group didn't leave the Port au Prince area until 5 pm, they arrived at the airport at 11 am. We will be staying up all night waiting for their arrival, which will be around 1am or even later.
So we have gotten a ton of crap about the egg fight. People saying we are here to help feed them but we wasted 100 eggs. I think what people forget is that our job is also to promote economic development. We want Haitians to be self sustaining and not need supplements to get by. When we do our ministries, we always try to buy from Haitians at the market and from different ones each time to spread the money. What good is a mission if they never help the people get on their own feet.
In case you didn't know, it's World Cup time. Haitians love soccer and Brazil. If you have ever seen the movie Cool Runnings, the part where the Jamaicans are all gathered at the restaurant around the tiny tv screen. Yeah, that's exactly how it was. The boys pulled a tiny tv out into the courtyard and all the Haitians gathered around. They were roaring so loudly at a goal that we thought the bus had arrived. It was insane and intense watching them. We walked down to see what the noise was all about and they told us Brazil was playing "Hong Ching Chong" in other words, North Korea. Ivenor, our head translators, likes to pretend he speaks Chinese which is hilarious.
So we have gotten a ton of crap about the egg fight. People saying we are here to help feed them but we wasted 100 eggs. I think what people forget is that our job is also to promote economic development. We want Haitians to be self sustaining and not need supplements to get by. When we do our ministries, we always try to buy from Haitians at the market and from different ones each time to spread the money. What good is a mission if they never help the people get on their own feet.
In case you didn't know, it's World Cup time. Haitians love soccer and Brazil. If you have ever seen the movie Cool Runnings, the part where the Jamaicans are all gathered at the restaurant around the tiny tv screen. Yeah, that's exactly how it was. The boys pulled a tiny tv out into the courtyard and all the Haitians gathered around. They were roaring so loudly at a goal that we thought the bus had arrived. It was insane and intense watching them. We walked down to see what the noise was all about and they told us Brazil was playing "Hong Ching Chong" in other words, North Korea. Ivenor, our head translators, likes to pretend he speaks Chinese which is hilarious.
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