Salines Mayette

We traveled three and a half hours to the big orphanage today. We did a vbs and craft on being sheep. It was raining the entire time so the roads were terrible. It was pretty much one massive mud slide. The kids looked so sad, probably because they never get attention anymore. The orphanage is out in the middle of no where which is impossible to get to.

Tonight during devos, the speaker was talking about Hebrews 13:20-21. A guy came running up saying how we all needed to look in the courtyard. We did and there was a guy who was missing part of his leg. The prosthetic team had fitted him with a new leg and he was finally able to walk. It was the coolest moment I have probably experienced. He was praying and singing. We all went down, cheered for him, and sang How Great Thou Art. It was such a God moment if you look up what that verse says. God has been so awesome.


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