After listening to that song, it's hard not to follow so convicted. To feed the hungry and live among the broken, is that not God's call for our lives. I may not be able to feed every hungry mouth but I can be intentional about forming relationships and hoping that I may shed some light into the hope found in Jesus.

We did that lovely 9 mile hike today. I decided just to tag along today since nothing else was scheduled. However, nothing is better than being completely exhausted from the 9 mile hike to find out you volunteered to do it with a group on Monday, and never paid attention to that today. It was an entertaining walk. The singing group was with us so they provided comic relief as we all feel like we're dying. Some of the kids from town walked with us and then swam with us. It's so easy to forget how important just spending time with them is. They could be anywhere but they choose to be with us and it's so important that we take advantage of that little time and just love them. I made friends with Johnny and Wisley. They are a hoot and complete mess but they are always with me when I go walking anywhere. To the waterfall, to the jail, to people's houses, everywhere. I told them today when we went into the mission gate that I hope to see them at church in the morning and they assured they would be there. Apparently, these two boys have a rough reputation but I have never seen them do any harm or be hurtful.


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