Busy, busy, busy

It's been so crazy here. We have the Navy here picking up patients to do surgeries. So cool that they brought their ship/helicopters down here and we give them the patients and translators and they do the procedures for free. They also are reconstructing our surgery wing to make it more efficient. On top of that, they are doing a massive 10 day clinic in town for anyone who needs help. It's awesome that they are doing all of this.

Today, I took a group to the big market. We stopped at the bakery because I love it there. The owner gave them a tour and gave me the fresh loaf straight out the oven. I was extremely happy and of course, I shared the goods with the other interns. A boy had to be flown out because we are pretty sure he has appendicitis. Once that was situated, a group was just sitting around so I asked them if they wanted to go to the jail. They did so we took some food and went down to visit. There was a woman in there who was arrested because her husband got into a fight. She has 9 kids and the youngest is 4 months. It was heartbreaking hearing her story. We left and came back with tons of food for all the prisoners and we took Bibles. We also brought a nurse with tons of medical stuff to fix up the Voodoo witch doctor. I tried to explain to him that if he turned to God, he would have a protection more powerful than a machete or gun . He said he wasn't interested but I know he will see it someday when he realizes that the Christians were the only ones who came to visit him in jail, and who fed him, and who gave him medicine. The man smelt like rotting flesh today. In case you hadn't read ahead, the Witch doctor got totally high one night, stole a goat, tried to "fly" onto someone's roof because he thought he was a werewolf, and then tried to sell the goat to those people. Obviously, those people beat the living snot out of him and he is in jail because of the goat and because he is crazy.


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