Our God is Greater

Sorry for the lack of blogging, it's been super crazy here. Two days ago we traveled to Ansefoleur. The group held a VBS and the kids really enjoyed it. We hiked up the monument and there was a lady up there. She was beating the monument and screaming. Our translator, whose father is a witch doctor (she's a Christian, though), explained that the lady was cursing a family and wanted the gods to kill this whole household even the small children. It was heartbreaking to hear that. We went up to the temple and were praying in there. One song always runs through my head-Our God. Our God is greater, Our God is STRONGER, Our God is higher than any other, Our God is HEALER, Awesome in power---Seeing their god in this tiny box reminds me that our God can't be contained or boxed in. He can't be belittled to a doll. He doesn't require us to do silly things or pay him for good spirits. He doesn't do harm to his people, he loves them. God gives us such a responsibility when we get the opportunity to go there. It's not for tourism but to pray and know that HE will move the MOUNTAINS in this country and HE will BREAK THE CHAINS that hold these people back. You can see the hurt, the desperation, the longing for something more. That afternoon, some of us went down and did foot washing with the gran moun. This little 8 year old boy who lives with a mission worker came down. He got them singing songs and before we knew it, he was running a church service. He had them kneeling and praying, reciting verses after him, singing their hearts out, and he even preached a sermon. The best part was he even did a benediction at the end. We were all cracking up because the gran moun kept calling him pastor. It got me thinking, if that's the future of Haiti---we better get ready because big things are happening. This generation is definitely rising up to take their place and take the responsibility and opportunities God has given them.

Yesterday, we went to La Forge---the waterfall. Our truck got stuck in the river and I got nominated to get out and push. It was probably a fun sight to watch. We had to carry 23 boxes of rich down to the the church there. Haitians came and helped---some never asking for payment or anything and other just wanting some water. They serve us so much more than we can ever serve them. Me and Hannah---the other intern---got mobbed by kids so we decided to start singing. Once they started, they didn't stop. We sang silly songs for about 30 minutes and it was one of the most memorable moments I've had this far.


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