The past few days

The past few days have been ones of refreshment and team development. We went to Ansefoleur for two days. The first day, us interns got to eat at the restaurant and just spend the day on the beach. I never realized how vast God's creation was until you are standing in a clear and calm ocean, looking at a clean sandy beach, with the mountains in the background. How incredible. The next day, we traveled back to Ansefoleur with a different agenda. We got to show the rest of the group the Basin and the House of Spirits. We did a Bible study on spiritual warfare and prayed while we were in the House of Spirits. It is awesome that God gave us that opportunity and responsibility to reclaim that place for him. To acknowledge his power over the 28 voodoo spirits that are worshiped there. I know one day, that place will honor and magnify God. Being there reminds me of the intentionality that is necessary. We can feed, clothe, educate Haitians all we want, but if we aren't intentional in recognizing what we are fighting against and taking that stand-- then we aren't doing much. We have to be intentional in planting seeds and really seeking to reach the lost. They are searching, all we have to do is be armed because if our GOD is for us, then who could ever stop us?! seriously. Today was church. I got to take Kenny, well the baby orphanage mom's told me I was taking him because in their words "he is your kid". Kinda weird when someone calls you mom. He passed out within first 10 minutes of singing, but it was still so fun and he was a trooper. One of the cooks invited me to visit her house tomorrow so I'm hoping to get up the mountain to visit with her family. The past few days I've had the opportunity and blessing to hang out with the Salines Mayette boys. They are older boys from the orphanage that work for the mission when school's out. They have been so fun, so joyful, and so willing. They've gone wherever we needed them and just sat and laughed with us.


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