The day of rest

Sunday is the day of rest here. It's funny because Haitian get such a workout just from worship that it's hard to say they rest. If the cement church doesn't feel like it's about to cave in or that the floor is going to fall in, we aren't worshiping hard enough. One of my favorite things about Haiti is it's sincerity. They don't sing because they have to or because that's what they are supposed to do. They sing because God is so worthy of that praise. Every Sunday before worship starts, they all get down on their knees and the preacher says if anyone has in problems, disappointments, or issues with God, take care of them now. They want that transparency that Americans so easily run away from. After they pray, they do these sayings. My favorite has become this series: (this is obviously the translated version) Satan has lost the battle! Victory! Victory! Victory! Thank you for life Jesus! Victory! Victory! Victory!..... Victory is something they proclaim with such authority because they know that God is good and he has already won the battle.

Favorite Haitian song ever is this one: It was the one on CNN after the earthquake
Tout bagay deja bien (Everything is ALREADY good)
Tout bagay deja bien (Everything is ALREADY good)
Paske Jesi chita sou twone li (Because Jesus still sits on His throne)
Tout bagay deja bien (Everything is ALREADY good)
Tout bagay deja bien (Everything is ALREADY good)
Tout bagay deja bien (Everything is ALREADY good)

2.Satan pedi batay.. (Satan Lost the Battle)
3.Jesi baunm la Victroi… (Jesus Gives us Victory)
4.Hypocrite yo seze… (Hypocrites are Surprised)


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