First Day of Groups

The groups arrived in record time yesterday so it has been fairly busy ever since. This is the smallest group with only 50 people coming. Another 50 will arrive on Friday. We've been hanging around campus today trying to get everyone oriented to the programs we offer. Another intern and myself took some of the babies from the orphanage down to the elderly home to play and hang out. It's fun seeing the interaction, it's just like a grandparent-grandchild relationship. I also spent some time in the Miriam home. I love those kids. They are always so fun and happy.

This afternoon, we went to the local jail. It's two cells (guy, girl), no bathrooms, no food, no beds, no nothing. It is more of a holding cell until they figure out if the person should go to Port de Paix, which is horrifying, or be released. There were three guys so we did a devo, prayed with them, just talked, and fed them. One guy was crying telling us the only reason he was alive was for his kids. He is in jail because someone said he talked to a girl he was not supposed to and her family wants 15,00 haitian dollars from him. He has to pay or he goes to Port de Paix. There are seven cells there with over 200 inmates. Terrible conditions.

We did meals on feet and one of the old men was angry that we didn't bring him juice. The mission has never given juice to them so it didn't make sense.


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