
A lot of times we pray that God would move mountains in our lives. How many times have you actually seen it or allowed God to actually do what you asked? Rarely. In Haiti, we are surrounded by mountains, physically and spiritually. I went and hung out with the nutrition kids again today. I feel like that's my ministry-- between them and the old people, that's just where I feel at home. It's been so cool to watch how lives have changed or attitudes are different. We had a shaving cream party for the Miriam Center. Those kids can't walk and have trouble moving. So for them to roll around and throw shaving cream at each other, that's a mountain being moved.

Speaking of moving mountains: Magadala, our Haitian campus director--aka Big Boss, leads a women's choir and Bible study each week. On January 12, the women had just finished praying that God would move the mountains that bound Haiti and that he would shake up Haiti to reclaim his people. As soon as they said Amen, the earthquake happened. They were all praising God because to them, this was an answered prayer in a mighty way. They had no clue what was really happening. Sometimes, God literally moves mountains.

I have the weakest stomach one could ever imagine. Our baby orphanage nurse, Betty, had this abyss on her neck and it started to ooze. Some American nurses decided it needed to be cut open and drained. I actually helped prep for the surgery and I even stayed to help (I did not touch a scalpel). They drained so much infection from her neck. I could never have imagined myself even being conscious in the same room as that. One of our teams all got some food poisoning (or so it appears). They were dropping like flies yesterday and today. Several are on IV, most of them we have in hospital smocks because they were pooping their pants. I've surprisingly been helping to care for them too. Again, I don't do vomit or poop. I'm a sympathetic puker so I'm shocked that I have been able to be somewhat near them at all.


  1. You are becoming a regular medical staff down there. Keep getting outside that box you started in. Love
    Mom and Dad


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