Family Fun Night

Today was just one of those days. We were all so drained. The blancs that arrived Saturday brought us this lovely cold. Yes, a cold in 100 degree weather is madness. I spent much of the morning down with my kids in the nutrition program. A new girl came down and hung out with us and the kids. It's overwhelming to Americans because they see these kids who look so angry and violent when all they really want is their plate of food not to get stolen or anything. These kids are the sweetest kids I have ever met and it absolutely breaks my heart to see what hunger does to people. When you are literally starving, you go to crazy lengths to get any food and water.

Speaking of water, guess who hasn't showered in two days?! That would be me. They had Haitians bring in city water for us to bucket bath but that's more work than a regular shower and you really can't tell the difference so why bother. The pump is fixed now but the tank is too low for us to use it right now.

Walensky is still alive. He was sleeping today and he had the biggest grin on his face. His time is short but we can all tell he is at peace and not in pain.

One of the missionaries just started a new campus a week ago and Satan has already tried to get his foot in the door. One of the one year old twins has been taken back to the states because he is having seizures. The test they ran aren't looking good at all so please be in prayer that God's guidance would be with that and that God's will would be done.

After an exhausting day, all you need is family fun night. We played catch phrase. It was so funny and really brought our spirits up. Not to mention, the group brought us in a bag of chocolates--it's a beautiful day. When I think about leaving these people, it's just as tough a feeling as leaving my real family back home. These people have become some of my closest friends and we challenge each other.


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