Day Off

We had the day off today because the group left and we have another coming in tomorrow (150 people). I spent the morning between the baby orphanage and just reading. I'm reading Through Gates of Splendor, just a convicting book. After lunch, I went up to the roof with some of the girls and we did worship. They all got mad that I never told them I played guitar. I mean, they never asked so I never told. This afternoon, we took one of the new Miriam Center boys into the courtyard to play a little soccer. He was doing well until he started saying some cuss words in Creole. He is developmentally slow and has behavioral problems, so that explains the nonresponsive to the word "No". We are all learning more patience. Once we put him back inside, we played with some of the community kids. We played monkey in the middle and I learned how truly slow and terrible I am at soccer but that's okay. We walked to the market around 5 to get eggs for cupcakes. On the way back, we passed through a funeral procession. It had massive marching band, a tap tap for the family, and tons of wailers following the truck. Wailing is what they do in Haiti when someone dies. You can always hear it because they are typically quite loud when they grieve. But the amazing thing about Haitians is they grieve but then they turn around and count their blessings. The person may be gone but they are so much happier that the person is in Heaven.

Walensky is still fighting. Several of us were praying that God would just take him already. It's so painful to watch him suffer or to even hear it. You can just see the pain and agony in every movement and breath. We kinda think that he is hanging on for his mom to get back and then he'll go home.


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