The People of God

Today in church, Ferdinand preached. He works as a translator for the mission but goes to Bible college in the states. He preached on how the people of God are the people of Joy. It got me thinking, how often are we really the people of joy? We always find some excuse or reason to complain or be unhappy with everything. Rarely is a body of believers all content at the same time. How are we supposed to be the people of God if we aren't the people of Joy? It was a great reminder of the fact that we so easily forget to be joyful always. In Haiti, people do things for reaction. Your facial expressions say everything. If we aren't smiling, despite our discomfort, we aren't spreading the joy and these people won't want to know about Jesus.

It's Katelyn's birthday today so we had cupcakes, cheese, crackers, and pepperoni. I know that doesn't sound like much to you guys but we were all so so excited. Someone asked Ivenor if Haitians had July 4. His reply, no we just have July 3 and July 5, funny because his birthday is July 5.


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