Nutrition Program

To be completely honest, when I first came here, the nutrition program kids scared me to death. Not because they are mean but there are just so many of them and Americans never spend time down there because it is overwhelming. I had really been praying that God would just give me a passion about a specific ministry and well, God's got a sense of humor. I found myself falling in love with these kids. When I look at them, I see pure joy, love, and peace--I see the face of Jesus. Crazy thought, I know. The moms have come to trust me enough that I can walk off with their kids for hours and then bring them back without question. Often times, I just take them to a shaded area and we sit and play or talk or they completely knot my hair. I love how when I leave campus, there is always one of them outside just hanging waiting. It's usually Naison or Jim-- they're brothers who are so adorable--I'll try to get pictures of all my kids so you can see exactly why I love them.

I spent some time in the baby orphanage after the nut kids left. I have become bon zamni mwen (my good friend). If Americans are trying to talk to them, they always call me over to translate, which is just entertainment for all of us. I love the kids there but they are a bit spoiled from so much American attention. They've gotten into a biting phase now but we are quickly working to correct that.

It was Ivenor's birthday today! Melonnie cooked us staff Mexican since it's his favorite meal. Not sure where he has had Mexican because he has never left Haiti and they don't have Don Papa Grande's/El Paso everywhere. We got quesadillas, chips and salsa, and cupcakes. The kitchen women also made this special cake just for him tonight. They were so proud that they could surprise him, it was awesome to watch their smiles the entire time. They even wrote Bon Fet Ivenor!


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